Scarves & Shawls

If you have a design and yarn in mind that I have not mentioned, please let me know –  we can discuss it. I am also happy to weave ruanas and baby blankets to your requirements.

The following sizes are given here, solely as a guideline. I will make your shawl up to a width of approximately 40″.

Sizes of Scarves

The width of a scarf is totally one of personal preference. Widths range between 4″ and 16″, with 6″ – 8″ being most popular for narrow scarves, and 10″ – 12″ being most popular for wider scarves.

Popular lengths of scarves range between 48″ and 78″. When a scarf is being worn with a formal jacket it is more elegant when the scarf does not show below the jacket. It has been suggested that generally a scarf be the same length as the height of the wearer. Having said that, I still have a fabulous gifted scarf that is 10 feet long and looked great with my (then fashionable) maxi coat. It is advised that a tartan scarf have symmetrical ends, and so the final length will be determined by being a multiple of the repeat pattern length.

Sizes of Shawls and Stoles/Wraps

Stoles or wraps typically range from 20″ – 28″ in width, and 69″ – 75″ in length.

Shawls may be 31″ – 43″ in width, and 71″ – 83″ in length.

A popular size for pashminas is 28″ x 78″.


I do not charge for assisting in the design of your project.

Due to the fineness of my yarns, my handwoven scarves and shawls require many “passes” (think of rows) of weft yarn going across the warp yarn, approximately 2,000 for the average scarf. Even though silk yarn is more expensive than both the 100% merino wool and the silk-merino wool blend, the cost of a silk scarf may be the same as a wool one, as the majority of the cost is in the hand weaving and the number of colours. For example, an approximately 8″ x 66″ scarf made for you in one-colour 100% merino wool would be $65, whilst a one-colour 100% silk scarf would cost the same as a several-colour tartan scarf made with 50% silk : 50% merino wool blend, $100.

A shawl may need 3 times the yarn but not 3 times the hand weaving time of a scarf. Heavier weight yarns are far quicker to weave than my high quality lace weight yarns. There are many variables, so please contact me with an outline of what you would like so that I can work out a quote for you.


  1. Decide the type of yarn, thickness of yarn, and approximate size for your scarf or shawl.
  2. If you know how you would like your scarf/shawl to look, choose your yarn and colour(s).
  3. If you would like help finding a traditional tartan or would like help designing a new one, contact me and we can work together on it. See the page on tartans for details.
  4. Use the contact form on the contact page to give me the above information and ask me any questions.
  5. I will get back to you with answers, suggestions, and price quotes.